Our Sense of Urgency and Its Karmic Ripple: How Rushing Through Life Impacts Us—and the Earth10/8/2024
![]() How many times have you found yourself saying, "I have no time"? Whether it’s in response to work, family obligations, or personal goals, that phrase has become the anthem of our modern age. We live in a world where the constant pressure to achieve, succeed, and check off every task on our ever-expanding to-do lists has left us feeling perpetually behind. But what if this sense of urgency isn't just affecting our personal well-being? What if it’s also creating a ripple effect—one that stretches far beyond our daily lives and into the cosmos itself? In this blog, we’ll explore how our collective rush for more time, more success, and more productivity not only drives us toward burnout but may also be influencing something far greater: the very rhythm of the Earth. Intrigued? Keep reading to discover how urgency plays a karmic role in our lives, how it affects our minds and bodies, and how it may even be tied to the Earth’s slowing rotation. The Hidden Cost of Urgency As a transformational life and mindset coach, I’ve heard the phrase "I have no time" more times than I can count. We’ve become so consumed with the need to do more that we’re losing sight of why we’re doing it in the first place. We rush through tasks that don't bring us joy, peace, or fulfillment. Instead, we fill our schedules with obligations that serve to keep us in the game of acceptance, success, and societal approval. The cost of this relentless pace is more than just personal. It’s collective. When we live in a constant state of urgency, it affects our mental health, emotional well-being, and even our physical bodies. Burnout, fatigue, and stress-related illnesses are becoming alarmingly common as we push ourselves beyond our natural limits. The more we try to squeeze into our days, the more we feel time slipping away. But what if that feeling is more than just perception? Urgency Is a Repellent to Success Ironically, the very sense of urgency we cling to in order to achieve more is often a repellent to success. When we rush through life, constantly focused on the next task or goal, we become less productive, not more. We get caught in a cycle where we mistake activity for progress, and urgency for efficiency. This creates a habit that’s hard to break, even on our days off. Have you ever found yourself with a day off, only to fill it with chores like laundry, cleaning, walking the dog, or cramming in a meditation session? We’ve become so accustomed to living in a state of urgency that even when we finally have a chance to relax, we often feel guilty for not being productive. But if you believe in fate or destiny, then you also understand that you’ll reach your destination when the time is right—when you carefully navigate through life, stop to smell the roses, and enjoy the journey. Urgency, instead of helping us arrive sooner, often makes us blind to the opportunities and lessons along the way. It keeps us in a reactive state, where we’re always chasing time instead of creating it. The Cosmic Connection: How Our Urgency Affects the Earth When I was writing my book, The Cosmic Dialog, I felt a powerful sense of urgency. I knew that the pandemic and global unrest were on the horizon, and I raced to publish the book before the inevitable broke. At the time, I didn’t think I could change the course of events, but I wanted to share what I had learned before it was too late. This urgency was a propellant—something that pushed me toward completion. Since then, I’ve come to realize that urgency is more than just a motivational tool. It's an energetic force that ripples outward, affecting not only our own lives but also the world around us. From a karmic perspective, the collective sense of "I have no time" is more than just a psychological burden; it’s an energetic wave that impacts everything from our relationships to the Earth itself. Scientific Evidence: Earth’s Rotation is Slowing Down Interestingly, science backs up the idea that our planet is, in fact, responding to energetic forces—though in a more literal sense. Scientists have proven that the Earth’s rotation is slowing down, primarily due to tidal friction caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon. Each century, the Earth’s rotation slows by about 1.7 milliseconds. Over time, this subtle shift results in longer days. But what if this phenomenon isn’t just a matter of physics? Could it also be a reflection of our collective consciousness? As we, collectively, live faster, seek more, and demand more time, perhaps Earth is, in her own way, slowing down to give us what we subconsciously crave: more time. While science explains this slowing as a natural process, the idea that it could be karmically influenced by the collective mindset of humanity opens up a fascinating dimension. The Karmic Ripple: How Thoughts Shape Reality In karmic traditions, it’s believed that our actions, thoughts, and emotions create ripples that affect not only our own lives but also the world around us. From a neuroscientific perspective, urgency alters the way we perceive time. When we constantly tell ourselves, "I have no time," or "I'd love to, but I’m too busy," we reinforce a mindset of scarcity. Our brains react to this, and it becomes our reality. But from a cosmic perspective, these thoughts may be sending out signals that have an even greater impact than we can imagine. Earth is more than just a rock we live on; it's a living, breathing entity, connected to us in ways we are only beginning to understand. As we push ourselves to do more, achieve more, and be more, we may be creating a kind of energetic friction that the Earth feels, just as we do. In turn, she begins to slow her rotation, as if answering our unconscious plea for more time. While this theory may sound far-fetched, it also serves as the driving force that keeps us, as a collective whole, from truly understanding our power and leads to a constant feeling of "What is my purpose?" I am truly confident when I say that recognizing the consciousness of who and what we truly are will someday be as normal as brushing our teeth. This is where the collective consciousness comes into play. Each time we say, "I’m too busy," or "I wish I had more time," we’re adding to a collective mental current that mirrors our individual experiences. As more and more people feel stressed, overworked, and time-starved, this collective energy grows. It’s not far-fetched to believe that this collective consciousness could be influencing larger forces at play, including the natural rhythms of our planet. Urgency as a Double-Edged Sword: The Path to Success or Burnout? There’s no doubt that urgency can be a driving force behind success. In my own life, the urgency I felt to finish my book before the world changed was a key factor in getting it done. However, urgency also has a dark side. When left unchecked, it leads to burnout, stress, and a constant feeling of being behind. The key is to recognize when urgency is helping us and when it’s hurting us. From a mindset coaching perspective, I help people see how their thoughts shape their reality. When we constantly live in a state of urgency, we create an illusionary world built on stress, fear, and scarcity. We feel the pressure of time slipping away, but deep down, we know that this race we’re running is ultimately meaningless if it doesn’t bring us joy or fulfillment. And yet, we keep running. The ripple effect of this collective mindset is profound. It influences not only our personal lives but also our shared global consciousness. As more and more of us feel trapped in this cycle, we feed into larger forces—forces that may even contribute to global tensions, fear, and the potential for large-scale conflict, such as World War 3, which I discuss in detail in my blog. Fear is a powerful emotion, and when it’s experienced collectively, it can have devastating consequences. Why I No Longer Rush I’ve learned something important over the years: I no longer rush through anything. It’s not just for my own benefit but for the global consciousness of the world. What I’ve found is that time begins to fade. Days are no longer defined by a week’s calendar—Sunday through Saturday. My success, my happiness, and my sense of accomplishment come from within, not from external validations. This shift in mindset has transformed my life. I’m healthier than I was in my younger years, more at peace, and more present in everything I do. By slowing down and trusting in my path, I’ve sent a message to Mother Earth: I don’t need more time. I will reach my destination, no matter what. When we stop rushing and learn to navigate life carefully, we find that the universe responds in kind. Success comes, not because we forced it, but because we aligned ourselves with the natural flow of life. Slowing Down to Speed Up: How to Break Free from the Cycle of Urgency So how do we break free from this cycle of urgency? The answer is both simple and profound: we must slow down. Not just for our own well-being, but for the well-being of the world. Slowing down allows us to reconnect with what truly matters—our purpose, our joy, and our connection to others and the Earth. By slowing down, we can break the illusion of "not enough time" and begin to see that time is not our enemy. It’s a gift. The more we embrace this mindset, the more we align with the natural rhythms of the Earth, and the less we feel the need to rush through life. Final Thoughts: Our Thoughts Shape the World In conclusion, our sense of urgency is more than just a personal feeling—it’s a karmic ripple that affects everything around us, from our health to the very rotation of the Earth. Science has proven that the Earth is slowing down, and while this can be explained by natural forces, we can also view it through the lens of collective consciousness. As we push ourselves to do more, be more, and achieve more, we may be unknowingly influencing the cosmic forces around us. By shifting our mindset, slowing down, and aligning with the rhythms of life, we can break free from the cycle of urgency and live more fulfilled, peaceful lives. The choice is ours: continue rushing through life or embrace the power of slowing down to create lasting change—for ourselves and the world. Comments are closed.